
Free Gravel Clinic

Power Up 17233 Chesterfield Airport Rd, Chesterfield, MO, United States

This clinic will cover a basic review of the features of your bike, recommended accessories, rules of the road, basic safety considerations, and different techniques you should know to comfortably handle different terrain and gravel conditions - flat, uphill, downhill, hardpack, loose, etc. To register: Gravel  

Pedal the Cause Preparation Camp Begins

Power Up 17233 Chesterfield Airport Rd, Chesterfield, MO, United States

Are you signed up for Pedal the Cause this year?  This camp is specifically designed to ensure you have the fitness, skills and confidence you need to meet the demands of the longer PTC courses. For details and to register, see: PtCcamp  

Power Up Challenge Presented by Axes Physical Therapy Begins

Power Up 17233 Chesterfield Airport Rd, Chesterfield, MO, United States

Here's an opportunity to earn money for your Pedal the Cause account!  The Power Up Challenge is a scavenger hunt-type event.  Power Up has marked a 36 mile course that starts at Big Shark West/Power Up Cycling and goes through Chesterfield and Wildwood, covering much of the Pedal the Cause […]

Climbing and Descending Clinic

There is more to climbing fast than just strength.  Technique also plays and important role.  This clinic can help you learn to climb and descend more efficiently. For details and to register, see: Climb

Fall Fitness Camp Begins

Power Up 17233 Chesterfield Airport Rd, Chesterfield, MO, United States

This 6-week camp is specifically designed to help build the foundation for next season's fitness.  It includes not only cycling, but also strength training and cross training workouts. For further information and to register, see: FallFitness