
Power Up Webinar Series – Managing Pre-Race Anxiety

The first race of the year can be nerve wracking, and for many of you, it will be the first race since 2019.  This presentation by Dr. Chris Curran will provide you with tools and strategies to manage pre-race anxiety. To join, click below: Button Meeting ID:  881 7574 0554 […]

March Madness Weekend

Your choice of either back-to-back long rides on Saturday and Sunday, or an option to ride only one on either Saturday or Sunday.  For more information and to register for any of these options, please click below: Marchmadness Bikes must be equipped with working lights.

Webinar – Organizing Pre, During and Post Race Nutrition

Cindi Inman, a registered dietician and exercise physiologist who currently teaches nutrition and exercise science for both undergraduate and graduate students at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, will be presenting information on how to optimize your pre, during and post-race/training nutrition.  She will also discuss weight management for athletes. To connect […]

Vino Fondo Camp Begins

Power Up 17233 Chesterfield Airport Rd, Chesterfield, MO, United States

Offered in-house and virtually, this camp is specifically designed to help you conquer the demands of the Vino Fondo courses.  Whether you are planning to ride the road or gravel, this camp will make certain you are ready. For more information and to register, click below; VFcamp

Beginner’s Spring Fling

Power Up 17233 Chesterfield Airport Rd, Chesterfield, MO, United States

New to cycling or thinking of taking it up?  Here's where to get information all cyclists should know.  Informational meeting is followed by an optional ride. For more information and to register: SpringFling